About Danya River
Hello lovely human! Here's where you can learn a bit about me.
I have been a Somatic Leadership Resilience & Somatic Life Coach for the last 16 years. I am trained as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (nervous system and trauma healer), relationship & personal growth teacher, intuition trainer and strategic problem solver/ consultant, with additional training in the application of attachment theory and Internal Family Systems (IFS).
I was born into a living laboratory for personal, relational and spiritual development. My parents, Robert Gass & Judith Ansara, were personal-growth pioneers and significant contributors to the movement.
As a teen, I rebelled against my upbringing by trying hard to be "normal." I cynically rolled my eyes at anything remotely healing or growth oriented. But as I entered my 20's, I found myself struggling, and I realized I might have something to gain by exploring all that "weird stuff."
Life hands us all some blows — me included. And, beyond that, life offers endless opportunities to overcome, grow and expand as a person.
I immersed myself in trainings and dove deep into my own healing and personal transformation. I moved from being a numb, traumatized, disconnected, unemotional, resigned and cynical person into someone who thrives and creates magic.
It turned out that not only did that "weird stuff" seriously help me, but becoming a facilitator for others was my calling and the fulfillment of a powerful family legacy.
As a curious, lifelong learner, I am endlessly fascinated by the potential to evolve. I continually apply that passion toward my own growth. I walk the talk every day.
I love helping people connect with their power and establish a foundation of deep wellness, inspiration and skill from which to transform themselves and every area of their lives.
In addition to my work as a coach, I also am a former touring singer-songwriter who now records original songs.
I live in my hometown, Boulder, CO, with my long-term life partner — who is as fiendishly growth-oriented as I am. One of our favorite activities is coming up with games to make our relationship even more joyful, easeful and fulfilling.
Training & Education
Co-active Professional Coach Training (with CTI/Co-active Training Institute)
Internal Family Systems Circle Training (IFS Institute)
Somatic Experiencing® Professional Training (Somatic Experiencing International)
Attachment Mastery (with Diane Poole Heller)
DARe 2: Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning Experience (with Diane Poole Heller)
Authentic Relating Training (9 years in various modalities)
Landmark Education (Curriculum for Living [including the Landmark Forum, Advanced Course and Self Expression and Leadership Programs], Introduction Leaders Program and the 3-year Wisdom course series)
Psychic Intuitive Training (with Simple Spirit and Psychic Horizons)
Touch Skills Training for Trauma Therapists (Levels I & II with Kathy Kain)
SE Master Class: Advanced Work with Complex Syndromes (with Peter Levine)
Musing from the Womb (Pre- and Perinatal Trauma Training with Ariel Giarretto)
Reiki Practitioner Training
Wesleyan University (CT) - Undergraduate
NOTE: I am NOT a trained or licensed mental health practitioner. For more info, please read this Mandatory Disclosure
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